Season six of ‘Homeland’ involves themes of cyber surveillance across New York City and Showtime Networks wanted to create a buzzworthy way of teasing content from the show’s early episodes, getting fans excited about the unfolding story via an innovative experiential marketing strategy.Using Landmrk, Showtime created an interactive walking tour that saw fans head to seven locations featured in the show. Once there they could access hotspots and hack into exclusive audio files, phone calls and conversations.Times Square, Bryant Park, Washington Square Park and Wall Street were all activated by Landmrk, and any fan who headed to one of the hotspots and checked in was given their own unique Agent ID badge to save and share on social, along with the opportunity to enter a competition to win exclusive ‘Homeland’ prizes and experiences. For anyone that wasn't located in New York, there was also a remote hotspot that could be accessed from anywhere around the world.
Launch saw fans surge onto Tumblr and Reddit to discuss the phone calls, enlisting contacts in New York to complete the mission and relay information -- underlining the power of engaging experiential marketing project. Within 90 minutes of going live, devotees had already visited every hotspot location on the map.Over the course of just three weeks fans from 134 countries around the world navigated to the website and more than 15,000 people took to the Manhattan streets in person to find the hidden locations, hack into exclusive content from the upcoming episodes, claim their Agent ID badges and enter the competition.The campaign went on to scoop a Shorty Award for Best Location-Based Experience, beating out submissions from the likes of Zagat, Lyft and Dell.To find out more about this activation, contact Landmrk direct at